Then please contact our support, they will be happy to help you. ID0173 - Kabelloses Funk Keypad, 2.4 GHz. ID0161 - Tastatur Maus Kombination Funk 2.4 GHz. ID0138 - Beleuchtete Tastatur, USB 1.1, LED Regenbogen-Hintergrundbeleuchtung, Schwarz. ID0127 - Mechanische Tastatur mit Einzel-LEDs und 6 Farbmodi. Download.Ĭhoose the needed document and click on the download link.ĭo you have further questions or can't find the right data? ID0112 - Bluetooth Tastatur für iPad Mini. After you have selected your product, you can find the available downloads below the technical data: They are displayed as soon as you click on the 'Downloads' tab next to the description. Erleben Sie Schreibkomfort und die außergewöhnliche Beleuchtung der ID0138 von LogiLink. Mein laptop hat nun mal keine tastaturbeleuchtung, dies ist ein akzeptabler kompromiss. Ich htte eine einfarbige beleuchtung vorgezogen, aber mittlerweile habe ich mich an die drei farben gewhnt. (You will find the article number on the packaging above the UPC barcode or on the product itself). LogiLink ID0138 Beleuchtete Tastatur, USB 1.1, LED Regenbogen-Hintergrundbeleuchtung schwarz Einkaufsfhrer. You can find all our products and the matching documents on Enter the part number or parts of it into the upper search field and select the appropriate part number from the list displayed. Are you looking for drivers, declarations of conformity, data sheets and other downloads for your product? This is how it works: Find your product.